Unity networkview component
Unity networkview component

#Unity networkview component how to

If you can sync things in the scene without deleting them from the scene then I don't know how to do it currently. As far as I can tell in the MLAPI model, you have to create prefabs, delete them from the scene, add them to a prefab array and they are recreated at runtime.

unity networkview component

In the old NetView NetworkView model you could just add a NetworkView component to an object in the scene and it would sync up transforms etc. We have a transports repository where anyone can contribute their transports and we hope that over time this will allow us to cover some of these platforms specific implementations. It is unlikely that we will officially support platform specific transports for Steam/Epic/Discord/Oculus etc. We will provide ways to connect to consoles/mobile devices and having a transport which is cross platform compatible is important for us. Could you eloborate on what features from NetView you are looking for?

  • "(Basically make it more like the NetView model!)" I'm not very familiar with RakNet's NetView but if I'm not mistaken then the basics like transmitting data via RPCs work pretty much the same.
  • unity networkview component

    Or where you thinking about another way of sending input? "Easy way to stream player input from client to server" This can be done by just invoking a ServerRpc currently.All you have to do is create networked objects on the server and call Spawn on them. MLAPI spawns networked objects automatically on clients so that they match the server objects.

    unity networkview component

  • "Not having to spawn synced game objects" You shouldn't have to do that.
  • Could you elaborate on your requests so that we can make sure that we are on the same pace? Click to expand.Thanks, your feedback is appreciated.

    Unity networkview component